Do you see bible time and prayer as yet another chore?
As a homeschooling mom I can tell you many times I have struggled in this area as well. As moms and women we tend to get so busy and find our rest in social media or a few T.V. shows. The thought of adding yet one more thing into our "busy ' schedules can be terrifying, just the thought can make us feel exhausted. We almost want to scream, another one!?
However God never meant for it to be so. God meant bible study and prayer to be a garden of rest, a fountain of water and a place of peace. In our twenty four hours a day we have given priority to things God never meant to be there in the first place. We occupy our time and minds to things that will have little or no impact in our lives or others. Here are some tips that will help us renew our strength and return to that garden of life that God has designed for us.
1. Work Life
Many of us have taken the role of working women when the husband has not stepped up to his responsibility, or when parents cant afford our college tuition. This situations are moments where we will need Gods grace and much sacrifice to allow God in our busy schedules and remind ourselves that the greater the task the greater the need there is for Gods guidance thru prayer and bible time. However for some of us work has become a stumbling block in our walk with God. We have focused on achievement and gain more than on godliness and service to our Lord. God uses work to provide our need but we should never abuse that to provide our wants. Lets cut back in work hours whenever we can. Sometimes this might mean giving up on luxuries or living on less income. Yet every sacrifice is worth it. If your job is taking the place of God in your life than we know something is not right. Pray and search your heart, it just might be that we are giving the best of our energy, heart and strength to material gain that will never satisfy.
2. Socializing
There has never been so much pull from social life on the family as there is today. Well with all the social networks and media that is available at our fingertips twenty four seven, lets add all the family gatherings, church activities, girls nights, outings and trips. While some socializing with Christian friends is needed we can mistakenly allow it to over power our lives and consume the little time we have left in our hands. We must learn to say no and begin to give God that time back. This can be the toughest when you have your phone lined up with notifications and emails accompanied with missed calls and messages. Turning our phone off can be another great aid. Lets take the steps necessary to allowing God to be our priority, who we follow and whos company can change us and help us love those around us even better.
3. Household Duties
The dishes are piled up and the rest of the house looks like a tornado just hit. I can relate to the feeling and the desire to desperately clean every inch and every corner. I love keeping my house clean and also allowing my family some space to make a mess knowing I will come back and clean it up after. I want them to enjoy a clean home and at the same time feel free to relax in it. One tip I can say with this is get up a bit earlier. When you eliminate other time wasters as mentioned above you will be surprised how much time you have left to do house work. Waking up a little bit earlier gives us the motivation we need to start our day on the right foot. It also provides the perfect moment to spend in peace and quiet with The Lord. While my family sleeps I can make some time for me and My God. This will energize you, and fill you with joy . The chores of the home will become easier as you approach them in a better attitude and as you clear up your mind from social media and noise. Take one task down at a time. Eliminate distractions like reading thru old notes you find, or watching T.V. while you fold the laundry. Texting or talking in the phone can also slow you down. Decide you will concentrate on the ask and not let anything you can control distract you. Time management makes a big difference.
There's many other tips I can share but talking about time, I don't want to take more of your time away. God bless you and remember to choose God first and He will help you with everything else.