Hello ,
Today I have been reading about jealousy. Another name for jealousy would be envy, one of the seven sins of the heart. Can I ask you what makes you jealous of others? Often you will find that those things that make us jealous, or trigger jealousy are the very description of who we are. We might be surprised to the results we find. An example would be someone who is materialistic, who has an ambition for riches and material possessions would be jealous of those who prosper in that very area. Same thing would be for physical appearance and the obsession with ones self, it would trigger a jealousy or envy of those who have beauty and great physical appearance . The next time you're jealous of someone, examine your motives and your heart, it might just reflect someone who's full of self and absorbed with pride. The route to take when faced with jealousy is not an easy one, but very effective and it is humility. Admit to yourself that someone or as the bible says, esteem everyone as better than yourself. That doesn't match with what the world teaches and beliefs, yet Christ humbled himself entirely and took the form of human and gave his life in a horrific and humiliating death. Humility is the answer to dealing with bitter jealousy and envy. When you remove the focus off yourself and on to The Lord Jesus Christ. Seek to serve others, run from jealousy, pray for those who cause you to envy. Be humble and accept where you stand. Love those who have what you could never achieve. Be more like Christ who was meek and humble. Enjoy your weekend! Remember when the monster of jealousy creeps in, it's a good time to test yourself, to return to the path of humility and be thankful in all you have.
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