Strength and honor are her clothing and she laughs at what is to come.

Strength and honor are her clothing and she laughs at what is to come.
Strength & Honor

Monday, January 16, 2017

Daily Bread | The Light

22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.
23 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!
24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
Matthew Chapter 5:22-24

Although this passage is rather familiar to most of us, often we have overlooked some details about what Christ was really saying.

We know we are called to be the light of the world. Yet this passage goes a bit deeper in explaining just how to go about being a light to begin with. You see you can't light a room if you're not some sort of light source. This passage tells us that we must first be sure that the light within us is bright and shining before we can fulfill the calling.

We see in verse 22 that the light of the body is the eye. If our eye is good our light will shine. If our eye is evil our light will be dimmed and darkness will rule.
What exactly are we saying here?
Very simple. The light of the body is our eyes. Yet if we allow evil to enter through our eyes and into the body it will have a negative effect in our life and the light will no longer be light but darkness.

When we allow evil things to be set before our eyes, we are contaminating our whole body and our entire life is affected by that.
If we expose our eyes to immoral images on media, magazines or television, we are letting evil enter our lives. We live in a day in age where everything is permissible. You can read your bible and then open some fashion magazine filled with half naked women and immoral topics that have nothing to do with Christ. You see it is through those very practices that we are allowing the darkness of the world inside our heart and it is eating at the light of Christ within us.

Think about it, how often do we allow darkness to influence what we watch, what we read and who we follow on social media? It's sad to see Christian women following worldly celebrities and trying to dress like them, do their makeup and hair like them and forsaking godliness. If we confess Christ we must live as he lived and not as the world lives so we may shine the light of Christ in us.

In verse 24 the word tells us we cannot serve God and mammon. We can't read the Bible and then read romance novels with illicit and immoral references. Chick-flicks and beauty blogs have taken over the modern Christian woman and have now darkened the light of Christ in us.

Yet as women we can be stronger than that. We can claim back the light in ourselves and we can be a light to this world. We can cast out any darkness ruling over us. We can throw away those books, the magazines and anything else that has contaminated our life. We can cleanse our eyes with the water of life which is the word of God. We can fight the battle on our knees. We can say no, we can have victory, we can because God is with us!

So ladies let's declare war on the world and begin restoring the light within us. Let's set our eyes on Jesus and his righteousness. Let's fill our eyes with his goodness and mercy. Let's shine our light!

Friday, January 13, 2017

5 Signs He really likes you

As women many times we find ourselves attracted to a guy and wonder if he feels the same about us. Today we will look at 5 signs he really likes you and the reasons why you might not like him after all .

1. He loves to flirt.                                        
 Although when a guy likes you he will turn a little flirty, some men just flirt with any attractive woman they meet or any woman for that matter. The truth is men generally enjoy flirtatious conversations and will usually engage in one as long as the woman goes along with it. I say most men but there is some exceptions. While most men will flirt given the chance there is those few who have set boundaries and are not willing to compromise. This is something to keep in mind. Take a look and keep your eyes open, is he usually funny and flirty with other women? Is that something you want in a man? Does he seem the kind of guy that could set boundaries for himself and be loyal to just one woman? Who knows you might just be one more in the list and it could be that what you are perceiving as possible attraction could just be him playing his cards.

2. Small talk.                                                  
Does he often ignore what you say and turn the conversation to something of his liking or something about him? It could be the weather or traffic but when a guy is not interested in deeper conversation he just might not be interested in you. You see when a guy really likes a girl he will wanna know everything about her. Even when he can't understand or relate to a certain subject he will be interested simply because you are and that means a lot to him. When a man really likes you he will also listen. He enjoys you're company and the conversation does not have to be entertaining, your company is enough for him and your conversation will always be welcome no matter the subject. If all he is looking for is a fling or FWB type of relationship, listening won't really be on his agenda.                                    

3. He will respect you.                                
One quick way to know if a man is really interested in you or if you're only a piece of flesh for his lunch, is in the level of respect he gives you. Men tend to respect the women they care about. You see when men really want a woman for keeps they will go above and beyond to impress her, to make her happy and comfortable. If a man really likes you for you, he won't push anything physical and will not even seem interested in that. Although men are naturally attracted sexually, they will abstain from it when they're truly interested in a deeper relationship with you. Men that are looking for a real relationship will show respect to the one woman they're pursuing. If anything some men can actually lose interest if the relationship gets too physical too soon. Real men will respect the woman they're pursuing and all women in general. Ask yourself if the guy you're into shows respect for women or does he objectify them for his own benefit? Again is this the kind of man you want as a partner?  

 4.He will work for it.                                
 When a man is interested he will do the effort. Effort to show you he cares. Effort to be around you even when his friends where going elsewhere . A man that has a thing for you will not hesitate to go out of his way for you. There will be no confusion. If a man want something for real he will make it obvious. He won't send mixed signals or play games with you. So if a guy you like is unavailable or too busy for you, chances are his not interested. Yes it could also be that he is shy or not very social but trust me when a real man is interested he will go the extra mile to win your heart. Yet if you're the one calling, you're the one texting and you're the one who is making the efforts, it might be time to come to terms with reality that either this guy is not into you or he is not mature enough to know what he wants nor pursue it , either way not something that is to your best interest.

5.It's not a secret                                        
Men are great at keeping their feelings inside but when a woman steals their heart they just can't stop talking about her. They talk about you with everyone and anyone. You won't be their "secret" friend (unless they've got something to hide) . They won't just be cyber friends or message you in the middle of the night but ignore you in public. A guy that's into you will welcome you into his group of friends, will tag you in social media and will introduce you to his family. He is into you and he is not afraid to show it. If he texts you but won't talk to you out in the open then there's a problem. If he is afraid that others will find out about you, chances are he has someone else to impress. Beware of men who want you as their text buddy but can't commit to a relationship. Don't let yourself become someone else's second option or plan B. When the right guy comes along you will be at the top of his list and you will be the only one on the list. He will wanna show you off to his family and friends. He won't be afraid of other prospects finding out he is into you because truth is he is.                                        

Well ladies, there you go. Make your conclusions and decide if this guy is really worth your time after all. If you believe in God and you're seeking a partner for life then I encourage you to let God do the work. Remember the story of Isaac and Rebecca. Abraham sent his servant to go find a wife for Isaac. The servant prayed to God for guidance and he had certain things he was looking for in the maiden that he wanted for Isaac. God answered him and he lead him to Rebecca. The word of God tells us that Isaac loved Rebecca and they where married. What a beautiful story of Gods providence. If you let God go and seek you a husband a partner, God will do it. God knows your heart and your desires. If you trust him and you leave the looking to him , God will bring the right man into your life at the right time. In the meantime you must keep your eyes on Jesus. Stay away from the lure of this world. A cute face can be a trap from Satan. So many women have fallen into this trap and my prayer is you will run now that you can before it's too late. Remember God will keep his promises to those who seek him.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

                                                    "Strength and honor are her clothing"

The verse keeps me up thinking, what could the psalmist mean? What is strength? What is honor?
What strength could the virtuous woman of the psalms possess that made her so beautiful? 

You see the woman of proverbs 31 had a strength almost extinct in the modern day woman. She wasn't weight lifting or taking protein shakes. She wasn't running 10 miles a day or counting carbs. She was on her knees more often than we are on social media. She was busy loving others rather than judging them. She didn't have time for gossip in the midst of her humble service. She gave to the poor because she had received the eternal. She wasn't afraid because she knew whom she had trusted. She laughed at the future and walked in peace. She wasn't concerned with looking perfect but being faithful. She knew beauty is vain but labor gives fruit. She had faith because she heard his voice. She believed because she knew who had promised. She was humble because he was meek. She wasn't perfect but she was diligent. She did the right thing even if it wasn't glamorous . She followed God even when life got difficult. She loved, she gave, she served. There was no time to waste and everything to gain. She gained much honor because she walked with integrity. What a woman, what virtue and what challenge. If there's one word that could describe this woman it must be strength. Strength to submit the pride of the heart and the desires of the flesh . Strength to forsake the world and it pleasures. Strength to live day by day serving humbly. Strength to love those who have wronged us. She had a strength that can only be explained at the cross of Calvary. It was at that cross that one man being King surrendered all rights and paid a debt that was not his, to save those who hung him there. It is that same strength that defeated death and the tomb. That same strength that moved the stone. It is through this strength that we may live our Christian walk today and it is through that strength that we can have victory over sin. What about you and me? Are we walking in this strength?