Strength and honor are her clothing and she laughs at what is to come.

Strength and honor are her clothing and she laughs at what is to come.
Strength & Honor

Thursday, January 12, 2017

                                                    "Strength and honor are her clothing"

The verse keeps me up thinking, what could the psalmist mean? What is strength? What is honor?
What strength could the virtuous woman of the psalms possess that made her so beautiful? 

You see the woman of proverbs 31 had a strength almost extinct in the modern day woman. She wasn't weight lifting or taking protein shakes. She wasn't running 10 miles a day or counting carbs. She was on her knees more often than we are on social media. She was busy loving others rather than judging them. She didn't have time for gossip in the midst of her humble service. She gave to the poor because she had received the eternal. She wasn't afraid because she knew whom she had trusted. She laughed at the future and walked in peace. She wasn't concerned with looking perfect but being faithful. She knew beauty is vain but labor gives fruit. She had faith because she heard his voice. She believed because she knew who had promised. She was humble because he was meek. She wasn't perfect but she was diligent. She did the right thing even if it wasn't glamorous . She followed God even when life got difficult. She loved, she gave, she served. There was no time to waste and everything to gain. She gained much honor because she walked with integrity. What a woman, what virtue and what challenge. If there's one word that could describe this woman it must be strength. Strength to submit the pride of the heart and the desires of the flesh . Strength to forsake the world and it pleasures. Strength to live day by day serving humbly. Strength to love those who have wronged us. She had a strength that can only be explained at the cross of Calvary. It was at that cross that one man being King surrendered all rights and paid a debt that was not his, to save those who hung him there. It is that same strength that defeated death and the tomb. That same strength that moved the stone. It is through this strength that we may live our Christian walk today and it is through that strength that we can have victory over sin. What about you and me? Are we walking in this strength? 

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